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  • Winnipeg Tribune

Manitoba Government freezes provincial park fees amidst contract controversy

Manitoba Government freezes provincial park fees amidst contract controversy
Manitoba Government freezes provincial park fees (File Photo)

By: Winnipeg Tribune Staff Writer

Winnipeg, April 11, 2024 - In a bid to ensure that the natural treasures of Manitoba remain accessible to all, the provincial government has announced a freeze on park fees for the upcoming camping season. This move comes amidst ongoing controversy surrounding a contract signed in 2020 with a service provider to administer the park pass program, which had initially slated fee increases for this year.

In addition to freezing fees, the government is also extending several opportunities for free provincial park entry throughout the year. These include designated periods in June, July, August, and February, during which vehicle permits are not required to visit Manitoba's parks. Such initiatives aim to encourage more Manitobans to explore and enjoy the natural beauty of their province.

Campsite reservations for the 2024 season have recently opened, with a new staggered booking system in place. This system, spread over five days, is designed to accommodate the high demand for campsites and facilitate easier booking for Manitobans eager to secure their preferred campground.

For those interested in reserving a campsite or exploring the full list of campground reservation opening days, detailed information is available on the Manitoba Parks website at

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