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  • Winnipeg Tribune

Province announces significant change to Cannabis Legislation

Province of Manitoba announces significant change to Cannabis Legislation
Significant change to Cannabis Legislation coming to Manitoba

By: Winnipeg Tribune Staff Writer

Winnipeg, April 25, 2024 - The Manitoba government has unveiled proposed changes to the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act, marking a shift in cannabis legislation within the province. Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced that Manitobans aged 19 and above will soon have the legal right to cultivate up to four cannabis plants per household.

"Manitoba will now align with federal legislation on cannabis by allowing people to grow up to four plants per residence," stated Wiebe. "This amendment fulfills one of our campaign promises and directly responds to the desires of Manitoba consumers. The bill aims to empower Manitobans to cultivate their own cannabis, provided it is done in a safe and secure manner. The regulatory framework will prioritize public safety, particularly by safeguarding youth and ensuring that cannabis plants remain inaccessible to young individuals."

The proposed amendments seek to eliminate the prohibition on residential cannabis cultivation within the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act. This change would grant adults aged 19 and over the freedom to nurture up to four cannabis plants per household, in accordance with the maximum allowance under federal law. Minister Wiebe emphasized that safety and security standards for homegrown cannabis will be meticulously outlined as part of the regulatory framework.

"We are incredibly pleased with the Manitoba government's decision to bring our laws into alignment with the federal Cannabis Act and the rest of the country," expressed Jesse Lavoie, founder of TobaGrown. "It's been a long journey for us at TobaGrown to reach this point, and we couldn't have done it without the support of the Manitoba cannabis community. Thank you, Premier Kinew, and the Manitoba government."

The proposed amendments signify a pivotal moment in Manitoba's cannabis legislation, reflecting a concerted effort to harmonize provincial laws with federal mandates while ensuring the responsible cultivation and consumption of cannabis within the province.

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